In daily activities of the project management team, there are a lot of abbreviations. It is a problem to the junior engineer and also for the senior as he/she can hear abreviation but he/she shame to ask what are you saying? As he afraid from the speaker to say Are you do not know that word?!. So he/she shall not ask and consequent he/she can not undersatnd the massage at the end.
Really the default to the speaker as if he feehs that the attendees not know about this abbreviation he should clarify it. If you know the abbreviation it is not mean that you are an excelent engineer or project manager..just ask WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? ..
I try to collect all the abbreviation here it is general for any field but it is slightly towards oil and gas field project management. If you think I forget any abbreviation contact me and send it to me to add or to be in the comment below.
AFC Approved for construction
BCWP budget cost work performed
BCWS budget cost work schedule
BoD Basis of design
BOQ Bill of quantity
CAPEX capital cost
CEO Chief executive office
CFR Cost and Freight
CI cost index
CIF Cost insurance and freight
COB Close of business
CxT Commissioning team
DAP Delivered At Place
DC Document control
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DES Delivered Ex-Ship
EPC Engineering, procurement and construction
EPCI Engineering, procurement, construction and installation
EV earned value
EXW EX-Works
FOB Free On Board
HAZOP Hazard and operability study
IFA Issue for approval
IFC issue for construction
IFR issue for review
ISO international standardize organization
ITP Inspection test plan
ITT Issue to tender
MPT magnetic particle test
MTO materials take off
MIRR minimum internal rate of return
NDE Non destructive examination
NDT Non destructive testing
OPEX Operating cost
PCM Procurement and construction management
PMI Project management institute
PMP project management professional
PID Process and instrument diagram
PFD Process flow diagram
QP Quality plan
QA Quality Assurance
SAT Site acceptance test
SI Schedule index
SM statement method
SOW Scope of Work
SQ Site query
TQ Technical query
VOWD Value of work done
VT Visual testh
WBS Work breakdown structure
WPS Welding procedure specification
VAT Value added tax
KPI Key performance indicator
HSE Health safety and Environment
HSSE health, Safety, Security and Environment
SOP standard operating procedure